Home Products Smart Grid systems Control systems for MV switches and switchgears


Control systems for MV switches and switchgears

The basic tool for improving the quality of power supply (i.e. shortening the time of power failures and reducing the number of interruptions) is the application of telemechanics within the MV network to enable short-circuit detection in the network and re-configuration of the network in a manual mode (by the dispatcher) or automatic mode using dedicated restitution automation systems. The telemechanics functions are performed by the range of STGP controllers designed for controlling MV switchgears in MV/LV stations, in MV cable connectors and in individual facilities (cogeneration facilities, PV power plants, hydro power plants, wind power plants, power supply points for customer facilities, etc.).

The central element of all solutions as regards telemechanics is the STGP-3.5-SP-GSM modular controller.


The controller is used in a number of solutions designed for individual applications.

  • AMI/SG - telemechanics system for MV/LV transformer stations
  • ZKSN/SG - telemechanics system for MV cable connectors.
  • S/SG - telemechanics systems for individual facilities.
  • RN/SG - telemechanics system for overhead switch disconnectors.


Related topics:

http://www.ien.gda.pl/pl/stgp 35 sp gsm telemechanics controller with short-circuit detection function


Detailed information on the offer

Łukasz Kajda

(+48 58) 349-81-00



Documentation and data sheets of telemechanical systems for designers



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