Home Products Smart Grid systems Dynamic line rating systems (DLR/LRMS)


Dynamic line rating systems (DLR/LRMS)

Intended use

Dynamic Line Rating system (DLR) and Line Rating Monitoring System (LRMS) enable safe operation of the distribution and transmission network by continuously monitoring the distance from the lowest working line cable to the ground or to crossing objects and alerting when the acceptable limit is approached.

Key benefits of implementing the DLR/LRMS system:

  • The ability to safely use the full load capacity of the line resulting from changing weather conditions without expanding the network infrastructure.
  • Integration with existing dispatcher systems by exchanging information using standard communication protocols.
  • Application of the existing telecommunications infrastructure – LTE data transmission services in the mobile telephony network.


Description of the system

On selected poles of 110 kV, 220 kV and 400 kV network lines, weather stations are installed to transmit current weather data to the DLR/LRMS system server in the dispatcher centre, including the wind speed and direction, the temperature at the height of installation and the solar radiation intensity. Up-to-date data on the line current are collected from the dispatcher system.

The DLR/LRMS system server administers the technical (design) parameters of poles and lines and their location in the field. On the basis of these data, the distance of the cable to the ground or to the crossing object in a given span is calculated. Also, the calculations of the permissible line load in given weather conditions, i.e. the dynamic load rating, are performed. For the calculations, a dynamic thermal model of the line is used in accordance with WG 22.12 recommendations developed by CIGRE. The results of these calculations are transmitted on a regular basis to the dispatcher system responsible for the operation of the distribution or transmission network, where alerts are generated when the distance from the cable to the ground is approaching the limit value allowed by the standards.


Detailed information

Tomasz Samotyjak

(+48 58) 349-81-00


Soda Tworzenie stron www - agencjasoda.pl