The Institute of Power Engineering, Gdańsk Division offers the electrical power system development planning in the following scope:
- medium voltage (MV) networks
- 110 kV networks
- extra high voltage networks (220 kV and above)
- development of a Continental Europe transmission system.
The work may involve both local needs covering specific facilities or separated sections of the network as well as larger areas of the network managed by the system operator (DSO, DSOn, TSO) or a group of operators. The wide spectrum of analytical capabilities of the Team is reflected in the topics of already completed works, highly assessed by the ordering parties, including:
- concept of MV network development for the ENEA Operator area by 2030
- concepts of the development of the 110 kV network and the transmission network for ENERGA Operator and for PGE Dystrybucja in the perspective of the year 2030
- concept of the National Power System development with off-shore wind farms for PSE S.A. in a long-term perspective
- studies on the possibilities to connect the power systems of Ukraine, Moldova and the Baltic countries to the continental European system, conducted as part of international consortia (including transmission network operators from various countries and representatives of ENTSO-E)
- the Plan of the European system development by 2050, financed by the European Commission as part of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
We hold commercial licenses for calculation programs from leading suppliers, which allows us to adapt to the client's needs and requirements.
Detailed information
Andrzej Kąkol
(+48 58) 349-81-32